Picture of Matt Brunt
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Talk Length: 60 mins

Dungeons, Dragons & Developers

You enter the dungeon, as the echoes of your footsteps sound around you, something catches your eye - is that… oh, oh no.

You grab your trusty sword and with your fellow adventurers, you seek to overcome the mighty challenge that lays ahead of you: building software.

This talk is a look at some of the parallels between Dungeons and Dragons, and software development.

We’ll see how lessons learned through delving into dungeons and fighting monsters with a party of adventurers can help teams of developers when building software in the real world.

Are you ready to join me in a mighty quest for better software?

About Matt Brunt

Chaotic Wizard

Matt Brunt is a Senior Software Engineer with Bumble where he works in a User Safety, Trust, and Integrity team.

He’s a mentor for development topics such as BDD, TDD, and clean-code, as well as having a few open source packages out in the wild.

When not tinkering with code he can be found reading comics, fighting monsters in dungeons and dragons, or drinking tea and eating jaffa-cakes.
