Picture of Martyn Kilbryde
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Talk Length: 15 mins

The Art of the Bad Code Review

Have you ever received a code review that made you question your entire existence as a programmer? Have you found yourself scratching your head in confusion after reading a comment that was more cryptic than the code itself? If so, you're not alone.

But fear not, as we delve into the world of disastrous reviews, we'll showcase some prime examples of brilliantly terrible reviews so you can learn how to avoid making the same mistakes.

So come join us for a sarcastic and entertaining look at the art of the bad code review!

About Martyn Kilbryde

Principal Software Architect at D55

Martyn Kilbryde is an experienced Principal Software Architect working at D55, an AWS consulting partner specialising in cloud-native and serverless technologies. He has many years of experience working with global highly transactional public-facing applications, specialising in building and delivering large complex systems from scratch.

Martyn is also an AWS Ambassador, and a member of the AWS Community Builders program. Spending the days working with multiple clients in all areas of industry, he also spends his spare time digging deeper, exploring technology and sharing that knowledge with the wider community.
