Picture of Gosia Borzęcka
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Talk Length: 60 mins

Don't panic - AI will not take your job

We hear everywhere that AI is becoming more powerful day by day. And with OpenAI and ChatGPT's popularity, we can start thinking about how our life will change. But to better understand those changes, we should better understand this technology. So if you are curious about what benefits OpenAI can give you and how to move your ideas on the Enterprise level - come to this session. You will learn about OpenAI and Azure OpenAI services and what potential they can give to your everyday work and as well your projects!

About Gosia Borzęcka

AI Engineer

Gosia Borzecka is a Microsoft AI MVP and AI Engineer at Avanade. She is a full-stack .NET and React developer with Office 365 experience. For the last two years, she has been interested in AI and Machine Learning (and Python!), and during her day job, she helped customers bring AI and ML models into the Modern Workplace. Gosia is also an international speaker, co-leader of NottsDevWorksop, and co-leader of AI 42, where she organized a few AI/Office 365 Bootcamps and AI/ML-focused meetings.
